Monday, December 6, 2010

Our Future Blog

Hi Everybody! Welcome to our Blog :)

The topic of our blog is FOOD, but more specifically, different types of food available in Sydney restaurants.

We decided, as a group, to blog about restaurants in Sydney because we realised that we all shared the same interest and love for eating and trying new food.

As a consequence, we came up with the idea of blogging about our personal experiences with food at various restaurants situated in Sydney. On that note, stay tuned for daily posts on our eating escapades!

In regards to the design and layout of our blog, we discussed about setting our background as a collection of images of food to reinforce our topic. We also wanted our page to exercise an aesthetically pleasing colour combination because we perceive food and eating as a vibrant and colourful aspect of life.

In response to the instructions for Assignment 2, we uploaded an image as our header instead of publishing a title. We chose to publish an image of Sydney Harbour, as we are holding our eating adventures within the boundaries of Sydney and it helps reinforce the title of our blog. Consequently, we situated the side bar of all 'About me' information, gadgets and links on the right hand side of the page to ensure easy access and detection. Finally, our blog posts will be positioned and will be employing a large proportion of the left hand side of the page, as this section is where the main content will be published.

We hope you enjoy reading our pending posts!

Emily, Kat, Budi and Javed.

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